Notre Engagement pour la Nature

Nous sommes un groupement forestier écologique et citoyen. En collaboration avec l'association Forêts Alternatives du Jura, nous œuvrons pour la préservation et l'épanouissement de nos forêts naturelles.

A group of people gather in a circular, fenced-off area surrounded by dense greenery and tall trees. The setting is outdoors, possibly within a park or forest trail, with many people appearing to be tourists or visitors, taking photos or observing the scenery. The surrounding trees are lush and leafy, creating a natural canopy.
A group of people gather in a circular, fenced-off area surrounded by dense greenery and tall trees. The setting is outdoors, possibly within a park or forest trail, with many people appearing to be tourists or visitors, taking photos or observing the scenery. The surrounding trees are lush and leafy, creating a natural canopy.
Protection des Forêts
Soutien à la Nature

Nous croyons fermement en une gestion durable des ressources forestières, favorisant la biodiversité et l'implication citoyenne. Ensemble, nous agissons pour un avenir harmonieux entre l'Homme et son environnement.